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信息分类:讲师  发布日期:2018-10-20 16:55:06   点击率:









2018.01-至今 武汉纺织大学菠菜发布网,讲师

2013.09-2017.06 天津工业大学纺织化学与染整工程专业,获博士学位

2007.09-2010.03 河北科技大学纺织化学与染整工程专业,获硕士学位

2003.09-2007.06 河北科技大学轻化工程专业,获学士学位


主要致力于智能防护(热防护,电磁屏蔽等)纺织品的设计开发,纺织品清洁染整加工技术。相关研究成果已在国际学术期刊发表SCI/EI收录论文20余篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI收录论文10余篇,主要包括Carbohydrate Polymers,Cellulose, Journal of The Textile Institute, Journal of Industrial Textiles, Textile Research Journal等。担任Carbohydrate Polymers, Cellulose等SCI期刊审稿人;主持厅局级项目5项,获市级科技进步二等奖1项(排名第3);指导学生获2021年全国大学生绿色染整科技创新竞赛特等奖、三等奖各一项;指导省级大学生创新创业训练项目4项。



2. 2019年高性能纤维及制品教育部重点实验室开放课题,开放基金项目,消防服用智能动态调温织物的制备及其热防护性能研究,2019-06至2021-12,3.0万元,主持。




1.Hualing He, Yushu Wang, Zhicai Yu*, Jinru Liu, Yuhang Zhao, Yushi Ke. Ecofriendly flame-retardant composite aerogel derived from polysaccharide: Preparation, flammability, thermal kinetics, and mechanism. Carbohydrate Polymers (IF:9.381), 2021, 269:118291.

2.Jinru Liu,Zhicai Yu*,Hualing He*,Yushu Wang,Yuhang Zhao. A novel flame-retardant composite material based on calcium alginate/poly (vinyl alcohol)/graphite hydrogel: thermal kinetics, combustion behavior and thermal insulation performance. Cellulose (IF=5.044), 2021, 28:8751-8769

3. Zhicai Yu, Jinru Liu,Hualing He*, Shengnan Ma, Jinyin Yao. Flame-retardant PNIPAAm/sodium alginate/polyvinyl alcohol hydrogels used for fire-fighting application: Preparation and characteristic evaluations. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2021, 255:117485.

4. Zhicai Yu, Jinru Liu, Abhijeet Suryawanshi,Hualing He*, Yushu Wang, Yuhang Zhao. Thermal insulating and fire-retarding behavior of treated cotton fabrics with a novel high water-retaining hydrogel used in thermal protective clothing. Cellulose (IF:4.21), 2021, 2021, 28:2581–2597.

5. Zhicai Yu, Jinru Liu,Hualing He*, Yushu Wang, Yuhang Zhao, Qi Lu, Yi Qin, Yushi Ke, Ying Peng. Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles with black rice (Oryza sativa L.) extract endowing carboxymethyl chitosan with high anti-microbial and durable properties, Cellulose, 2021, 28(3):1827-1842.

6.Hualing He, Yushu Wang, Jinru Liu, Ning Zhou, Yuhang Zhao andZhicai Yu*. A natural dye extract from lotus seedpod for dyeability and functional property of tussah silk fabric. Pigment & Resin Technology,在线发表(2021.1), DOI:10.1108/PRT-10-2020-0107

7. Zhicai Yu, Abhijeet Suryawanshi,Hualing He*, Jinru Liu, Yongquan Li, Xuebo Lin, Zenghui Sun. Preparation and characterisation of fire-resistant PNIPAAm/SA/AgNP thermosensitive network hydrogels and laminated cotton fabric used in firefighter protective clothing. Cellulose, 2020, 27:5391-5406.

8. Zhicai Yu,Hualinghe*, Jinru Liu, Yongquan Li, Xuebo Lin, Chunbo Zhang, Minhua Li. Simultaneous dyeing and deposition of silver nanoparticles on cotton fabric through in situ green synthesis with black rice extract. Cellulose, 2020, 27(3): 1829-1843.

9. Zhicai Yu, Ye Chen,Hualing He*. Preparation and investigation of moisture transfer and electromagnetic shielding properties of double-layer electromagnetic shielding fabrics. Journal of Industrial Textile, 2020, 49(10):1357-1373.

10. Jinru Liu,Hualing He, Zhicai Yu*, Abhijeet Suryawanshi, Yongquan Li, Xuebo Liu, Zenghui Sun. Investigation of temperature-responsive and thermo-physiological comfort of modified polyester fabric with Sericin/PNIPAAm/Ag NPs interpenetrating polymer network hydrogel. Textile Research Journal, 2020, 90(23–24) :2622–2638.

11.Hualing He, Zhicai Yu*,Chunbo Zhang, Minhua Li. Thermal protective performance of firefighters clothing under low-intensity radiation heat exposure.AUTEX Research Journal,在线发表(2020.5),DOI:10.2478/aut-2020-0018

12.Hualing He*, Zhicai Yu. Effect of air gap entrapped in firefighter protective clothing on thermal resistance and evaporative resistance, Autex Research Journal, 2018,18(1):28-34.

13.何华玲,于志财,张健飞,宋国文*.含水率对消防服用多层织物系统热蓄积的影响,纺织学报, 2017, 38(8):108-113.

14.Hualing He, Zhi-Cai Yu, Guowen Song*. The effect of moisture and air gap on the thermal protective performance of fabric assemblies used by wildland firefighters, The Journal of The Textile Institute, 2016,107 (8):1030-1036.


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