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信息分类:副教授  发布日期:2020-09-22 09:44:57   点击率:

l 姓名:毕曙光





E-mail: SGBi@wtu.edu.cn

l 学习和工作经历:

2017.6到今     武汉纺织大学 菠菜发布网,阳光学子,楚天学子

2014.3-2016.9   南洋理工大学(新加坡),博士后研究科学家

2009.9-2013.12  华中科技大学,高分子化学与物理,理学博士

l 学术简介

近年来一直从事功能高分子复合材料的研究工作,基于界面结构构筑及形成机制与界面层对功能填料的影响,面向光、电、磁等应用,结合学科前沿与交叉,通过聚合物/微胶囊固化剂聚合物/液晶、聚合物/碳纳米管、聚合物/石墨烯气凝胶、智能纤维/织物等的合成优化、界面设计、结构调控及性能构效关系研究,发展了高性能化、多功能化复合材料。近五年,在 ACS Applied Materials & InterfaceJournal of the American Chemical Society等国际期刊上发表SCI论文25篇,英文专著的1个章节,授权中国发明专利10项;中国化学会会员、中国纺织学会会员,担任ACS Applied Materials & InterfacesTop期刊同行评审。主持及参与包括国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划重点专项、湖北省自然科学基金、湖北省教育厅科技计划项目、企业委托等科研项目10余项。

l 研究领域


l 近五年代表性期刊论文:

[1] Yuping Zhu, Yifan Qian, Ling Zhang, Ben Bai, Xue Wang, Jiaqiang Li, Shuguang Bi*, Lijuan Kong, Wanshuang Liu, Liying Zhang*. Enhanced Thermal Conductivity of Geopolymer Nanocomposites by Incorporating Interface Engineered Carbon Nanotubes. Composites Communications, 2021, 24, 100691.

[2] Xiaoning Tang, Deshan Cheng, Jianhua Ran, Daiqi Li, Chengen He, Shuguang Bi*, Guangming Cai*, Xin Wang*. Recent Advances on the Fabrication Methods of Nanocomposite Yarn-based Strain Sensor. Nanotechnology Reviews, 2021, 10(1), 221-236.

[3] Weidong Jiang, Jianhua Ran, Qi Zeng, Hui Shen, Haiyan Li, Shuguang Bi* and Shiwei Li*. Functional Fabric with Strain Sensing Based on Foam Finishing, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021, 697(1), 012020. (EI)

[4] Bayazid Bustami Shaun, Runxuan Cai, Xiaojiang Sun, Chaokun Huang, Shuguang Bi*, and Jianhua Ran*. Stain Sensing Properties of Graphene/Elastic Fabric, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020, 774, 012122. (EI)

[5] Guangming Cai, Baowei Hao, Lei Luo, Zhongming Deng, Ruquan Zhang, Jianhua Ran, Xiaoning Tang*, Deshan Cheng*, Shuguang Bi*, Xin Wang*, and Kun Dai. Highly Stretchable Sheath-core Yarns for Multifunctional Wearable Electronics. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12(26), 29717-29727.

[6] Deshan Cheng, Xue Bai, Junjie Pan, Jianhua Ran, Jihong Wu, Shuguang Bi*, Guangming Cai*, and Xin Wang*. Immobilizing Reduced Graphene Oxide on Polydopamine-templated PET Fabrics for UV Protection, Electrical Conduction and Application as Wearable Sensors. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2020, 241, 122371.

[7] Liying Zhang*, Shuguang Bi, Ming Liu*. Full chapter “Lightweight Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Materials and Their Mechanisms” in the book “Electromagnetic Materials”, IntechOpen, ISBN 978-953-51-8118-7, 2018.10.

[8] Shuguang Bi, Liying Zhang*, Chenzhong Mu, Ming Liu*, and Xiao Hu. Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Properties and Mechanisms of Chemically Reduced Graphene Aerogels. Applied Surface Science, 2017, 412, 529-536.

[9] Shuguang Bi, Liying Zhang, Chenzhong Mu, Heng Yeong Lee, Jun Wei Cheah, Eng Kee Chua, Kye Yak See, Ming Liu*, and Xiao Hu*. A Comparison Study on Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Behaviors of Chemically Reduced and Thermally Reduced Graphene Aerogels. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2017, 492, 112-118.

[10] Shuguang Bi, Ming Liu, Jingjing Shen, Xiao Matthew Hu*, and Liying Zhang*. Ultrahigh Self-Sensing Performance of Geopolymer Nanocomposites via Unique Interface Engineering. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9(14), 12851-12858.

[11] Shuguang Bi, Ming Liu, Liying Zhang*, and Xiao Matthew Hu*. Ultrahigh Self-Sensing and Mechanical Performance of Geopolymer Nanocomposites, 15th Pacific Polymer Conference, Xiamen, China, December 10-14, 2017, PS4-27.

[12] Liying Zhang*, Ming Liu, Shuguang Bi, Liping Yang, Sunanda Roy, Xiu-Zhi Tang, Chenzhong Mu, Xiao Hu*. Polydopamine Decoration on 3D Graphene Foam and its Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Properties. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2017, 493, 327-333.

[13] Zhong Li, Shuguang Bi, Brianna C. Thompson, Ruitao Li, Khiam and Aik Khor*. Multifunctional Bioceramic-based Composites Reinforced with Silica-coated Carbon Nanotube Core-shell Structures. Ceramics International, 2017, 43(18), 16084-16093.

[14] Heng Yeong Lee, Yufeng Cai, Shuguang Bi, Yen Nan Liang, Yujie Song, Xiao Hu*. A Dual Responsive Nanocomposite towards Climate Adaptable Solar Modulation for Energy Saving Smart Windows. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9(7), 6054-6063.

[15] Chenlu Bao, Shuguang Bi, He Zhang, Jinliang Zhao, Pengfei Wang, Chee Yoon Yue and Jinglei Yang*. Graphene Oxide Beads for Fast Clean-up of Hazardous Chemicals. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016, 4, 9437-9446.

l 近五年代表性科研项目:

[1] 科技部国家重点研发计划“科技助力经济2020”重点专项, 地铁隧道钢环加固用环氧树脂灌浆材料的研发与产业化关键技术, 2020-072022-06, 20, 主持

[2] 湖北省科技厅自然科学基金面上项目2019CFB557泡沫法诱导构建碳基导电网络及其柔性可拉伸应变传感器2019-092021-095万元主持

[3] 生物质纤维与生态染整湖北省重点实验室开放课题重点项目STRZ201901具有应变传感特性的智能纺织品的设计与开发2019-092021-095万元主持

[4] 纤维材料改性国家重点实验室(东华大学)开放课题KF1827泡沫整理诱导构建有序碳基导电网络及其柔性可拉伸应变传感纤维2018-112020-115万元主持

[5] 纺织纤维及制品教育部重点实验室(武汉纺织大学)开放课题2017-2018-11基于长银纳米线的高弹性应变传感智能纤维的设计与开发,2018-012019-122万元主持

l 近五年获得荣誉与成果:

[1] 指导大学生创新课题3项:其中,国家级2项,省级1项

[2] 指导学生获奖10项:其中,国家级C类三等奖1项、省级二等奖2项、三等奖2项、优秀奖5项

[3] 荣获2017-2018学年校十佳优秀班主任


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